What can you do in an Otiluke's Resilient Sphere?

Teleportation is defined in 3e as instantaneous travel through the astral plane. Assuming your DM subscribes to this interpretation, a resilient sphere (or forcecage, for that matter) would not block teleportation (since force effects only extend into the ethereal plane, not the astral plane), allowing a wizard to teleport/dim-door/abrupt jaunt out.

As a general thumb of rule, you need both line of sight and effect for spells with a "target: XXX" entry, like finger of death, and line of effect for spells with a "effect:XXX" or "area:XXX" entry, like flamestrike or summon monster.

For more information, see the section of 'aiming a spell' and 'line of effect' in the PHB.

So your wizard in the sphere would not be able to summon anything outside the globe.
